Lecture 1.1 Understanding PPC, Google Adwords, and SEM
Lecture 1.2 Significance of PPC
Lecture 1.3 Different channels of PPC like Google Bing, facebook, LinkedIn, Yahoo
Lecture 2.1 Creating and Setting AdWords Account
Lecture 2.2 Understating AdWords interface and Dashboard
Lecture 2.3 Making payments on AdWords Account
Lecture 2.4 Creating First Campaign, Ad group, and Ads
Lecture 2.5 Managing Settings related to Bid Amount, Location, Language, Devices, Account Limit, Budget, Schedule, etc.
Lecture 2.6 Understanding Different Ads Search Network, Display Network, Search & display Network, Shopping Ads, Video Advertising
Lecture 2.7 Demographic bidding & Social Settings
Lecture 2.8 Keywords Research & Optimisation, Understanding the types of Keywords (Broad, Broad match, Phase, Exit, Negative)
Lecture 2.9 Keywords Planner Tool
Lecture 2.10 Understanding each Ad Formats guidelines and creating Text Ads, Display Ads, Image Ads & Shopping Ads.
Lecture 2.11 Quality Score and Its Importance
Lecture 2.12 Columns Customisation & Filters
Lecture 2.13 CPC & CPM Bidding
Lecture 2.14 MMC Account or Multi User Access
Lecture 2.15 Website Optimizer, A/B Testing, Conversion Tracking
Lecture 2.16 Competitors Keywords Analysis
Lecture 2.17 Landing page Creation, Optimisation, and Benefits
Lecture 2.18 Click Through Rates
Lecture 2.19 Multifold Reportings
Lecture 3.1 Understanding Facebook and Its Importance
Lecture 3.2 Basics and Advanced features of Facebook
Lecture 3.3 Creation of Facebook Profile, Company Page
Lecture 3.4 Do’s and Don’t of Business profile
Lecture 3.5 Do’s and Don’t of Business profile
Lecture 3.6 Managing Facebook page, Inviting People to Like the pages, Building Brands
Lecture 3.7 Creating Posts with Content, Images, and Videos
Lecture 3.8 Driving Visitors while sharing of various related groups and using relevant “Hashtags”
Lecture 3.9 Generating leads via Facebook